Friday, January 6, 2012

Assassin's Creed Impressions

Hello everyone! I'm HockeyHockeyMan, here to give another impression on a new game I got; Assassin's Creed. This is the Playstation 3 edition, so I'll be using those button names.

Let's start with the controls. There are a lot of them, with R1 used as a sort of shift key to allow these actions. Mainly, you can climb, traverse, battle, and blend with the crowd. These are put to good use in the very beginning of the game. The controls may take a while to master, but fortunately a button map with text is in the corner to assist you.

Gameplay consists of finding the prechosen target, getting close in a non-suspicious manner, and following through with, of course, the assassination. The target will usually have nearby followers who suddenly despise you. Makes sense. Now you must run out of their sight; once done so, you must find a hiding spot and stay undercover until it is safe. I assume you do this throughout the entire game, but I hope they add some more elements.  I'm not going to mindlessly do the same task over and over.

In terms of graphics, they are decent. The environment and attention to detail is stunning. How ever not much can be said about the characters. Animations are also very jerky. I have seen much better graphics on the PS3, although to be fair the game was released in 2007. f you want the best graphics, don't come here.

Assassin's Creed has you play as a bartender, Desmond, in the year 2012 who is taken to a science facility. Here, a machine resides where the bartender can relive memories of his ancestors. He controls his assassin past relative Altair, whom is a part of a brotherhood to remove evil and crime from the kingdom. It does a good job of placing you in the 10th century past while still reminding you that this is simply a memory.

Overall, Assassin's Creed is shaping up to be a fun game. It still has some quirks, but they don't ruin the game, and I can't wait to continue on. Have a good day everyone. ~HockeyHockeyMan